Home > 1099-R 2up Blank Set 4-Part (RSET405)
1099-R 2up Blank Set 4-Part (RSET405)
Product Description

Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.: This 4-part set includes preprinted Copy A and blank 2up laser sheets for Copies 1,B & C. All 8 1/2" x 11" sheets are 20# laser paper 2up format with 1/2" side perforation and do not include recipient instructions on back. You will receive all forms necessary. Mail federal copy in a batch to the IRS.
Order quantity equal to the number of recipients filing.
A Federal (red scannable)
B Recipient
C Payer
1 Payer State
Compatible Envelopes: RDWENV05, RDWENVS05(self seal)